UKAEA land survey

January 20, 2025 in News

UKAEA holds a Permit issued by the Environment Agency (EPR/LB3330DP) which enables specified activities at Culham to be undertaken using tritium and other fusion relevant material and for the management of waste generated from these activities. As you would expect, there are strict limits and controls required for this work and we are regulated by the Environment Agency for compliance.

The permit contains a map which defines the permit boundary, and for some historic reason, it includes land which is outside the existing security fence on the south side of site. This area has never been used by UKAEA for operational activities nor does it appear to have been used operationally in that way by RNAS Hornbill (the naval air station that was located on the site in the 1940s and 1950s)

In preparation for ownership of some of this land transferring to Oxfordshire County Council for the Housing Infrastructure Fund scheme implementation, UKAEA is preparing to surrender the Permit for the land outside the new security boundary and we have had discussions with the Environment Agency Inspector and other sites who have undertaken similar activities. In such cases it would appear to be good practice, and support the surrender case, for checks to be undertaken which could identify legacy issues, for example from aircraft dials which had a component that was slightly radioactive to enable them to be seen in the dark.

Therefore, the UKAEA Health Physics Group will be undertaking a survey of this area over the next few weekends which will be seeking to confirm that there is no evidence of liabilities predating UKAEA ownership.

As key local stakeholders we wanted to inform you of an activity, which could be viewed as unusual, so that you are aware of the reason for it; we are also informing our immediate neighbours.

Parish Meeting

December 19, 2024 in News

Following the Parish Council meeting of 9th December 2024, which allowed only limited time for public participation, several residents have proposed holding a separate and full public Parish Meeting.

This meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd of January at 19:30 at the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend.

This full Parish Meeting will allow sufficient time to discuss issues relevant to the Parish, including two recent government announcements (links below), which have added urgency to ensuring we come together as a community with a democratic voice.

  1. Hif1 being approved, unblocking 3k homes in Culham
  2. Reduction of protection for greenbelt to build more houses

Proposed Agenda

  • 1. NDO – a chance for those who did not get to speak at the PC meeting on the 9th to be able to ask questions & share views
  • 2. Discuss if this Parish Council can support the community on the issues facing us, namely:
    • Being able to represent and lead the community through the complexities of the HIF1 Road (By-Pass) that has just been approved
    • Protecting our community from unwanted development considering new government pressure if we have no NDO to protect us
    • Being able to represent and lead the community through the complexities of the Culham Housing Development that was dependant on the HIF1 Road
    • Prioritising their focus for community value
    • Should the NDO fall through, can they achieve the same level of benefit for our community – funding for the school; village hall; surgery; allotments; burial ground; post office/shop – whilst balancing that with securing a charitable contractor and benevolent land-owner

Neighbourhood Plan

November 01, 2024 in News

The Clifton Hampden Neighbourhood Plan has been signed off and adopted by SODC.
For more information please see below the correspondence received.

Congratulations to everyone involved!!

SODC Correspondence:

The Clifton Hampden Neighbourhood Plan was made by the district council on 24 October 2024.

The final decision report and the made Clifton Hampden Neighbourhood Plan have now been published on the Council’s website.

The Decision Statement and the Clifton Hampden Neighbourhood Plan can also be inspected at:

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE
If you would like to view these documents at the Council offices, please contact us on 01235 422600 or email to book an appointment.

Save our Greenbelt

October 29, 2024 in News

An Appeal has been lodged by Ethical Power against South Oxfordshire District Council’s decision to reject their proposals for a massive Solar Installation at Burcot Farm. Their applications have been rejected three times, but their appeal directly to the Secretary of State could overturn SODC’s decision, the objections of the vast majority of local residents and the workings of our local democracy.

We need to act NOW to prevent Ethical Power and their team of lawyers winning their appeal and SAVE OUR GREENBELT.

Please send your objections ASAP to the Appeals Casework Portal at SODC – click on ‘Make Representation’ once through to the website:

You can also send your comments to:

Alison Bell, The Planning Inspectorate Room, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN

We need to do more to generate clean electricity and contribute to the fight against global warming and the use of fossil fuels, but this need not come at the expense of our Greenbelt and high-grade agricultural land when there are much more suitable ‘grey belt’ and brown field sites available.


Here are some of the reasons why this development has already been rejected:

  • Inappropriate development directly affecting the openness of the Greenbelt, in contravention of SODC’s DES9 policy for renewable energy.
  • The existing agricultural land is classified as Best and Most Versatile for food production. DES7 states use of such valuable land for development should be avoided in favour of poorer quality land or brownfield sites.
  • The National Planning Policy Framework states that Local Planning Authorities should protect and enhance the landscape - the proposed Solar Farm is in direct conflict with this policy.
  • Industrialisation of the landscape in direct view from an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Wittenham Clumps) - also in contravention of DES9.
  • The cumulative impact of the destruction of the Greenbelt from Abingdon to Berinsfield. With the Activity centre, new housing in Culham, the Clifton Hampden bypass, a Burcot Solar farm and expansion of Berinsfield forming a continuous stream of development on greenbelt land.
  • Compromising locally valued biodiversity.
  •  Endangering the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians during the construction phase - again in contravention of DES9.
  •  The effects of noise pollution, the intrusive visual impact and the use and storage of hazardous substances are all in contravention of SODC’s DES6 policy covering Residential Amenity.
  •  A complete lack of community consultation for this application.

Site Address : Burcot Farm Burcot OX14 3GW Description of development: Installation of a ground mounted solar photovoltaic array, co-located battery energy storage scheme (BES) together with associated infrastructure; security fencing; CCTV; access gate; on-site biodiversity net gain. Application reference: P23/S4132/FUL Appellants name : Burcot Solar Farm Limited Appeal reference : APP/Q3115/W/24/3350890 Appeal start date: 1st October 2024

Visit from Wild Oxfordshire

October 24, 2024 in News

Many of you know Peter Massam who lived in Clifton Hampden until a few years ago.

He is still an active member of the Wildlife Club, and regularly visits to enjoy the river and woodlands.

Together with Peter, we had a visit from Wild Oxfordshire who have offered their support to the Parish as part of the South Oxfordshire Nature Recovery activities. Peter has kindly written a proposal which can be read below.

Nature Area Recovery Plan


May 28, 2024 in News

A landowner in Burcot has kindly agreed to allow the permissive footpaths across his land to address existing gaps and provide more circular routes within the parish for pedestrians. Parishioners are invited to try out these paths.

Any feedback to on the route can be sent to, before April 2025 when these permissive footpaths will be officially recognised.

Click here to download PDF.


Plans for 20 MPH through Clifton Hampden are underway.

May 28, 2024 in News

We are through the first stage, the OCC have drafted the plans for the areas proposed for 20MPH.

See proposal map is below.

Click here to download PDF.

Burcot and Clifton Hampden Clerk Vacancy

May 13, 2024 in News

Burcot and Clifton Hampden Parish Council is looking for a Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer to support its activities.

The Parish Council has a precept of £ 15k per year and serves a population of around 660 people.

This is primarily a home-based position of 6 hours per week but also requires attendance at Parish Council meetings (typically up to 11 per year), and Annual Parish Meetings.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. SCP 13 -23 (£13.97 - £16.67 per hour).

The Council seeks an existing Clerk or someone who is interested to learn. Training and support will be provided.

Key skills include excellent communication, a high standard of accuracy and numeracy, good administrative organisation, tact and diplomacy.

A full range of IT skills including the use of Word, Excel, PAYE and online banking is also required.

Experience of local government or Parish Council work would be an advantage.

The key duties of the Clerk are:

  • Supporting the council in carrying out its duties and implementing its decisions.
  • Providing independent advice and support, including managing the Council's website.
  • Preparing the agenda for and taking minutes at council meetings.
  • Dealing with correspondence and enquiries from the public.
  • Managing the council’s finances preparing its annual accounts and managing the annual audit process.
  • Ensuring Insurances are up to date and any identified damage / risk to PC land / equipment or any potential insurance claim is dealt with quickly.
  • Booking ROSPA Playground Inspections and any required playground repairs.
  • In collaboration with the Chair, developing a set of standard operating procedures to assist the day to day running of Council business.
  • Managing all Council contracts (such as grass cutting and tree management)
  • Managing all Council contracts (such as grass cutting and tree management)
For more information or an informal chat, please contact Anne Davies (Clerk) by email at

Application deadline: 30th May 2024

Interview date to be agreed at a mutually convenient time.

Starting date: As soon as possible.

Parish Council election

April 23, 2024 in News

Following the resignation of Glenn Pereira from the Parish Councillors a request was made (by 10 electors) to South Oxfordshire District council for an election to fill the vacancy.

Nominations will need to be submitted to the District Council between 8th and 13thMay.

Below is a link to guidance for completing the nomination form:

The nomination form | Electoral Commission

And a link to the nomination pack:

Nomination pack parish council election for use on or after 7 May 2024.docx (

If there are more than 1 nominee, the District Council propose to hold the election on 13th June 2024, and the polling station will be the cricket Club at the Recreation Ground.

If there is only 1 nominee, that person will be declared elected on 16th May 2024.