Neighbourhood Plan

Securing the future of our villages, amenities, and the health and wellbeing of the community

Feedback from the Initial Parish Consultation

Thank you to all of you have responded to the Initial Parish Consultation which was opened on 19 November 2020 and finally closed on 28 March 2021.

In this letter you will find a summary of the key findings from the consultation, and some information about what we are now doing about it.

You can find the feedback report here.



The re-opened Initial Parish Consultation is now closed.

The Steering Group thank you for your participation.

Your responses will be analysed by the Steering Group, and headline statistics published by mid April. We aim to complete a detailed analysis from both periods and publish the main findings by the end of April. In the meantime, please monitor the website for announcements and additional information.

In December 2020, I wrote to you thank you for your responses to the Initial Parish Consultation on the Burcot and Clifton Hampden Neighbourhood Plan and development proposals.  At the Parish Council meeting on 25 January 2021, the Parish Council agreed to pause the process pending consideration of a petition, concerns raised by a group of residents, and requests for information.  We are now restarting the process by re-opening the consultation for a further four weeks from 1-28 March 2021.  

This is the next step in a long iterative process of dialogue, consultation and development leading ultimately to the best possible plan that balances the wide range of opinions, often competing, from residents of the parish.  

The results so far

In December we stated that ‘a significant majority’ supported the proposals.  A number of residents have asked for the justification for this statement.    

To date, 93 responses were received, representing 176 residents from 69 households.   78% of respondents were from Clifton Hampden, 22% from Burcot.

Across the parish, 67% of the 176 residents represented in responses support the proposals, 25% are against, and 8% neutral.  Within Clifton Hampden, 60% support, 31% are against, 9% are neutral.   Within Burcot, 92% support, 5% are against, 3% are neutral.

These statistics reconfirm the mandate for the Parish Council and steering group to take the project to the next stage.    They will be updated after the consultation closes on 28th March.   

What is the process from now?

Re-opening the Initial Parish Consultation

We are re-opening the Initial Parish Consultation for a further 4 weeks from 1-28th March.   Whilst the proposals and questions themselves are unchanged, we are providing additional information to explain how we have got to where we are today, and the rationale behind the proposals for the surgery and housing.   

What happens after this consultation closes?

Once this 4 week period is over, we will be analysing responses from both periods, refine our understanding of the main issues that need to be considered, e.g. environmental issues, impact on individual properties, number and type of housing, location and orientation of buildings, design styles, flooding, parking and traffic flow.

We will then hold a series of workshops seeking residents views on how they would like to see the main issues addressed.    If the COVID-19 situation allows, we will hold these workshops face to face.    We will then make changes to the scheme.   

There will be a second consultation on the amended proposals, around September 2021.

We will then analyse responses and make further changes to the scheme.

There will then be a statutory SODC led consultation in early 2022.

We will then analyse responses and if necessary, make further changes to the scheme.

The proposals will then be submitted for public examination by an inspector, in Spring 2022.  

Finally a referendum mid 2022.

Nothing is set in stone.   You will have at least 3 further opportunities to influence the proposals and ultimately use your vote to decide the outcome. 

(Please note that the dates above are slightly later than those given in the Parish Council chair’s letter).

Why are we re-opening the Initial Parish Consultation?

Firstly, a number of residents said that they did not have enough information to make an informed judgement, and would have liked more time.   

Secondly, 176 residents were represented in responses to date.   The parish has approximately 650 residents of all ages, all of whom have a stake in the future of our parish, its amenities and housing.   So we would like to hear from as many residents as possible, and I encourage those who have not yet responded to take this second opportunity to do so.   

The illustrative proposals we are asking your views on have not changed – what is new is the additional information that we have published. 

We would like to emphasise again that these are illustrative proposals only.   They will be reviewed and amended, and increasing levels of details added over the next 9 months before the proposals are sent for statutory consultation.  

We will also be holding 3 public meetings over this period (dates to be announced):

  • An extraordinary Parish Council meeting
  • A meeting with residents of Watery Lane
  • A meeting with residents of the High Street

Do I need to respond?

Yes, please do:

  • If you have not responded before, but would like to have your say in the future of your parish.
  • If you have responded before, but would like to change your response in anyway. You can either:
    • Complete a new response form and ask for your previous response to be deleted
    • Fill in the response form telling us the changes you would like to make

No, there is no need:

  • If you have responded before but do not wish to change anything, you do not need to respond. Your previous response has been retained and will be counted.

1. Overview

Our Neighbourhood Plan will secure the future of our community and our amenities in the face of the direct threat posed by the massive developments at Culham and Berinsfield.

In surveys and drop in events, you told us the most important things to you are to grow the village, sustain the shop and post office, provide a new surgery, additional assembly space for the school, improvements for the village hall, additional parking, and 25-30 new homes for existing residents to downsize and to welcome newcomers.

The Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO) is a planning application submitted by the Parish Council.  Its purpose is to implements the community’s instructions, as expressed through the Village Plan in 2015, the follow up survey and drop-in consultation events in November 2018, this Initial Parish Consultation, and future consultations.


Our vision is for a single, thriving, sustainable parish formed of two distinct villages, each with its own particular identity and character, with shared facilities and amenities.

The proposals include:

• A new surgery
About 25 new homes on two sites.   40% of these will be Affordable Housing for shared ownership or socially rented accommodation. 
• Additional parking
• Refurbishment of and improvements to the Village Hall
• A new cemetery and allotments

And will generate funding for the Parish Council to give substantial grants toward:

• School buildings
• Refurbishment of the Scout Hut and Cricket Pavilion
• Safety Improvements on the bridge improving access to the Barley Mow and the car park, which is also a village carpark
• A new public loo

And through a separate agreement with the landowners, a new footpath and cycle path between Clifton Hampden and Long Wittenham.

Financial Settlement

The Parish Council has negotiated a unique opportunity to secure our future and that of our amenities.   Whilst the financial aspects of the settlement can only be finalised and published alongside the final version of the scheme, Chart 1 gives an indicative distribution of the % financial value released to the parish, landowner, and developer from the current version of the scheme.      

Watch the video…

This short video is an overview of the proposed plans and a good place to start.

For more details…

Know someone without internet access?

If you know of someone in the village who doesn’t have access to the internet or needs some help with technology, please let them know, show them this on your own device or let them know they can get hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and Feedback form from the Village Shop.

Public Meetings

Over the next 4 weeks, we will be holding three public meetings giving you and opportunity to discuss with each other and with us and tell us what you think, and  what you want to see the plan offer:    

  • An extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
  • A meeting for residents from Watery Lane
  • A meeting for residents from the High Street.

Dates and times for these meetings will be announced on the website presently.   

Please register with the parish clerk at if you would like to attend.     The format of each meeting will be the same: a short presentation, followed by an open discussion.   

After the closing date for the consultation, 28th March 2021, all comments will be considered after which we will hold workshops on the main issues arising.   We will aim to hold these in May 2021, and hope to conduct them face to face if the COVID-19 situation permits.

We will then be amending the draft proposals.  

We will then hold a second parish consultation lasting 6 weeks on the amended draft Neighbourhood Plan and development proposals, probably around September 2021.   We will, as part of this consultation hold one or two open events in the Village Hall, again assuming COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.   

Following analysis of this second consultation, we will consider further amendments prior to submission to SODC who will carry out a formal consultation probably in early 2022. 

Thereafter both the Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order will be submitted to an appointed inspector for public examination.  Finally there will be a referendum at which residents vote on whether to proceed, probably mid 2022.

Further Information

In the ‘Additional Information’ section you will find documents that you may find helpful when considering your response.  You will also find short briefing notes addressing some of the most contentious issues raised by residents:  

An overview of the process and community engagement since we started in 2012

The site selection process (including pre-application advice from SODC)

The rationale for housing numbers, types and ownership mix

The rationale for a new surgery

We have also taken the opportunity in the minutes section to update the Terms of Reference of the Neighbourhood Development Order Steering Group, and to include meeting documents the links to which were previously redacted for security reasons.   

Should you require any further information about these proposals, please contact:

Penny Hill: 07968 066 823
Simon Russell: 07917 675 695

Thank you so much

Giles Baxter OBE
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee
Neighbourhood Development Order Steering Committee
February 2021

Read about the history of the project