Meetings and Workshops
Securing the future of our villages, amenities, and the health and wellbeing of the community
Future meetings will be held face to face after 21st June, Covid-19 permitting. They will be held in the Church until the Village Hall is no longer required for vaccinations, which we understand to be late July.
Q&A Sessions
‘Q&A’ sessions will be open to all residents. Each meeting will be for an hour and, in order to allow everyone present a reasonable opportunity for their questions to be aired, each meeting will be limited to 10 people. Enough meetings will be held for everyone who wishes to do so to attend one meeting.
Dates/Times: To be announced
Design Workshops
Once we have drafted an option or options for a revised scheme, and in accordance with the undertakings given at the workshops on 5 April 2021, we plan to hold two design workshops (one for the Paddock site, one for the Allotments site) with those residents most directly impacted, to hear their views on the option(s) for a revised layout on each site and explore what further improvements might be made. We will then invite the community as a whole to do the same through the second Parish Consultation.
Dates/Times and how to register: To be announced
Environmental Issues
A meeting, open to all, to discuss and to explore concerns and discuss ideas about environmental issues such as eco-performance, biodiversity, and visual impact.
Date/Time and how to register: To be announced
Parking and Access
A meeting, open to all, to discuss parking and access
Date/Time and how to register: To be announced
These meetings are in addition to the Annual Village Meeting to be arranged by the Parish Council.

Our vision is for a single, thriving, sustainable parish formed of two distinct villages, each with its own particular identity and character, with shared facilities and amenities.