Save our Greenbelt

October 29, 2024 by in News

An Appeal has been lodged by Ethical Power against South Oxfordshire District Council’s decision to reject their proposals for a massive Solar Installation at Burcot Farm. Their applications have been rejected three times, but their appeal directly to the Secretary of State could overturn SODC’s decision, the objections of the vast majority of local residents and the workings of our local democracy.

We need to act NOW to prevent Ethical Power and their team of lawyers winning their appeal and SAVE OUR GREENBELT.

Please send your objections ASAP to the Appeals Casework Portal at SODC – click on ‘Make Representation’ once through to the website:

You can also send your comments to:

Alison Bell, The Planning Inspectorate Room, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN

We need to do more to generate clean electricity and contribute to the fight against global warming and the use of fossil fuels, but this need not come at the expense of our Greenbelt and high-grade agricultural land when there are much more suitable ‘grey belt’ and brown field sites available.


Here are some of the reasons why this development has already been rejected:

  • Inappropriate development directly affecting the openness of the Greenbelt, in contravention of SODC’s DES9 policy for renewable energy.
  • The existing agricultural land is classified as Best and Most Versatile for food production. DES7 states use of such valuable land for development should be avoided in favour of poorer quality land or brownfield sites.
  • The National Planning Policy Framework states that Local Planning Authorities should protect and enhance the landscape – the proposed Solar Farm is in direct conflict with this policy.
  • Industrialisation of the landscape in direct view from an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Wittenham Clumps) – also in contravention of DES9.
  • The cumulative impact of the destruction of the Greenbelt from Abingdon to Berinsfield. With the Activity centre, new housing in Culham, the Clifton Hampden bypass, a Burcot Solar farm and expansion of Berinsfield forming a continuous stream of development on greenbelt land.
  • Compromising locally valued biodiversity.
  •  Endangering the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians during the construction phase – again in contravention of DES9.
  •  The effects of noise pollution, the intrusive visual impact and the use and storage of hazardous substances are all in contravention of SODC’s DES6 policy covering Residential Amenity.
  •  A complete lack of community consultation for this application.

Site Address : Burcot Farm Burcot OX14 3GW
Description of development: Installation of a ground mounted solar photovoltaic array, co-located battery energy storage scheme (BES) together with associated infrastructure; security fencing; CCTV; access gate; on-site biodiversity net gain.
Application reference: P23/S4132/FUL
Appellants name : Burcot Solar Farm Limited
Appeal reference : APP/Q3115/W/24/3350890
Appeal start date: 1st October 2024